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Work and Relationships in the Lives of Individuals Facing Homelessness: Implications for Research, Practice, and Social Policy

Joaquim A. Ferreira, Eduardo R. Santos, and Lara Figueiredo, University of Coimbra, Portugal


Determinants of drop out from job training for unemployed youths in Germany

Verena Bruer, University of East Anglia


Initial development of the Career Futures Inventory–Adolescent Version

Chan Jeong Park, Johanna Milord, Patrick Rottinghaus, University of Missouri–Columbia, Zi Chen, Boston University


Predicting STEM career fit: Integrating measures of ability and interest

Chan Jeong Park, Patrick Rottinghaus, University of Missouri–Columbia


Bridging the gap: A content analysis of students' written feedback on a career intervention

Ching-Lan Lin, Sara Heshmati, Samantha Danielle Brown, Saba Rasheed Ali, University of Iowa


Idealized-actual job discrepancy: A moderating factor in predicting affective job outcomes

Chu Chu, Wei Ming Jonathan Phan, James Rounds, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign


The effects of stereotype threat on middle-school student collaboration in inquiry-based science

Samantha Daley, University of Rochester

Samantha Johnson, CAST, Inc.

Eleanor Castine, Boston University


Entrepreneurial interest scale: Initial development and validation

Gabrielle Rodriguez, Wei Ming Jonathan Phan, James Rounds, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign


Construction and validation of the Subjective Underemployment Scales (SUS)

Haley M. Sterling, Blake Allan, PhD, Purdue University


Development and initial validation of the Quality of Maternity Leave Scale (QMLS)

Haley M. Sterling, Blake Allan, PhD, Purdue University


When practice fuels research: The impact of the Larsen Grant for Research in Career Development

Joonkil Ahn, Julia Panke Makela, The Career Center, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign


Crafting Your Future Career: Development of a career adaptability workbook

Keely D. Alexander, Kayla G. Michael, University of Missouri–Columbia

Brooke Gilland, Career Center, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Patrick J. Rottinghaus, University of Missouri–Columbia\


Assessing the relational theory of working: Function of relationships across employment status

Maria Swanson, Alek Davila, Boston College


How first-generation student status affects career development in African American STEM students

Marie Hammond, PhD, Carin K. Smith, Katie A. Johnson, Tennessee State University


The development of the Postgraduate School Application Self-Efficacy Scale (PSASE)

Meaghan Rowe-Johnson, University of Iowa


Vocational interests in the United States: Interest level and sex difference trends from 2005-2016

Michael Morris, CPP, Inc.

Yang Yang, Minnesota State University, St. Cloud


Examining the incremental validity of career fit on work outcomes

Naidan Tu, Wei Ming Jonathan Phan, James Rounds, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign


Comparing interest and competency ratings of ADHD versus typical young adults

Sandro Sodano, Gregory Fabiano, Kevin Hulme, Abigail Caserta, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


Relationship between parental expectations & Asian int'l students’ career decision-making process

Shao-Jung Ko, Xinling Liu, Bo Hyun Lee, Xiaotian Hu, Patrick J. Rottinghaus, University of Missouri–Columbia


Transitions: NCAA athletes’ experiences of athletic retirement and career planning and management

Stephanie Dinius, Kimberly Howard, Boston University


Evidence-based narrative assessment & 'Who You Are Matters!' game help diverse people navigate a lifetime of transitions

Mark Franklin, University of Toronto, OneLifeTools, CareerCycles


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