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The following is an outline of the 2018 Biennial Conference agenda. Please click HERE for a pdf version of the agenda.


Monday, June 18

2:00 PM   5:00 PM      Registration

5:00 PM   7:00 PM      Reception

Tuesday, June 19

8:00 AM    9:00 AM         Registration
8:00 AM    9:00 AM         Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM    9:45 AM         Welcome and Introduction

                                                         Patrick Rottinghaus & Scott Solberg
9:45 AM    10:00 AM       Break
10:00 AM  11:00 AM      
Session I

11:00 AM   11:15 AM      Break

11:15 AM   12:15 AM      Session II

12:15 PM    1:45 PM        Lunch

1:45 PM      2:45 PM        Session III

2:45 PM     3:00 PM         Break

3:00 PM     4:00 PM         Session IV

4:00 PM     4:30 PM         Day 1 Synthesis
5:30 PM     7:00 PM         Reception and
Poster Session
7:00 PM                            Dinner on your own


Wednesday, June 20

8:00 AM    9:00 AM         Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM   
10:00 AM      
Session V

11:00 AM  11:15 PM       Break

11:15 PM   12:15 PM       Session VII

10:00 AM    11:00 AM     Session VI

12:15 PM    1:30 PM        Lunch

1:30 PM      2:30 PM        Session VIII

2:30 PM    3:00 PM         Conference Synthesis & Closing Session

                                                        Scott Solberg & Patrick Rottinghaus


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