Concurrent Roundtables
IV-a Using Holland’s Theory, the Self-Directed Search, and Four Other Tools in Life/Career Transitions
Robert Reardon, Florida State University
Katie Meyer-Griffith, Psychological Assessment Resources
IV-b Using Mixture Modeling To Understand Vocational Interest Profiles: The Impact Of Personality And Sex
Erica Mathis & Emily Bullock-Yowell, University of Southern Mississippi
IV-c The Intergenerational Relation of Vocational Interests and Occupations
Florian G. Hartmann, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Jutta von Maurice, Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe
Christian Tarnai, Universität der Bundeswehr München
IV-d How to Develop a Holland RIASEC Interest Inventory: Lessons Learned with the Find Your Interests (FYI) Inventory
Shannon Salyer, Defense Personnel Assessment Center
Rodney A. McCloy, HumRRO
James Rounds, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Patrick J. Rottinghaus, University of Missouri–Columbia
IV-e Beyond the Classroom: Preparing Graduate Teaching Assistants to Transition to Profession Work
Mary Dawes & Janelle Kappes, Arizona State University
IV-f Impostor Phenomenon and Career Development of Graduate Student Women
Jessamyn Perlus, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
IV-g Cross Borders and Beyond: Career Transitions among International Graduate Students in Psychology
Yunkyoung Garrison, & Soeun Park, University of Iowa
Bo Hyun Lee, University of Missouri–Columbia
Young Hwa Kim, University of Maryland
IV-h A Highly Effective Career-Focused Reentry Program for Inmates in Transition: Greener Pastures
Victoria A. Shivy & Jesse A. Wingate, Virginia Commonwealth University
IV-i Career Adaptability for Vocational Tasks, Occupational Transitions, and Work Trauma
Mark Savickas, Northeast Ohio Medical University
Suzanne Savickas, & Steven Antalvari, Kent State University