Concurrent Symposia
VII-1 Living in Transition: Enacting support across the ecologies of DREAMER college students
Ellen Hawley McWhirter, & Bryan Rojas-Araúz, University of Oregon
Neeta Kantamneni, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Germán Cadenas, University of California-Berkeley
Lisa Y. Flores, University of Missouri–Columbia
Concurrent Roundtables
VII-a Diversity & Inclusion in Career Centers: A History of Social Justice and Transitioning Our Approach
Carrie Collier, University of Missouri–Columbia
VII-b Career Readiness and Leadership Education: Theory, Research, and Best Practices
Gail S. Rooney, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Kelli K. Smith, Binghamton University
VII-c Peer Paraprofessional Programs in Career Services: Value, Impact, and Opportunities for Growth
Julia Panke Makela & Jessamyn Perlus, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
VII-d The Career Engagement Model: An Early Warning System for Transitions
Roberta Neault, Yorkville University & Life Strategies Ltd.