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The following is an outline of the 2018 Biennial Conference agenda.


Monday, June 18

2:00 PM   5:00 PM      Registration

5:00 PM   7:00 PM      Reception

11:00 AM    11:15 AM       Break

11:15 AM 12:15 PM          Session II


Beyond the Classroom: Preparing Graduate Teaching Assistants to Transition to Profession Work

Mary Dawes & Janelle Kappes

Impostor Phenomenon and Career Development of Graduate Student Women

Jessamyn Perlus



Cross Borders and Beyond: Career Transitions among International Graduate Students in Psychology

Yunkyoung Garrison, Soeun Park, Bo Hyun Lee, & Young Hwa Kim


A Highly Effective Career-Focused Reentry Program for Inmates in Transition: Greener Pastures

Victoria A. Shivy & Jesse A. Wingate

Tuesday, June 19

8:00 AM    9:00 AM         Registration
8:00 AM    9:00 AM         Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM    9:45 AM         Welcome and Introduction

                                                         Patrick Rottinghaus & Scott Solberg
9:45 AM    10:00 AM       Break
10:00 AM 11:00 AM        Session I

                                         Concurrent Symposia


Underemployment, Employability, and Decent Work: Coping with Transitions to the New Economy

Blake A. Allan, Jérôme Rossier, Ouedraogo Abdoulaye, & Kokou Amenyona Atitsogbe

Continuity and Change in Interests

James Rounds, Kevin Hoff, Gundula Stoll, Sif Einarsdóttir, & Christopher D. Nye



Facilitating the Transition for New Youth Immigrants to Canada Using Goal-directed Project Support

Meredith MacKenzie & Richard A. Young


Surviving and Thriving: Voices of Latina/o Engineering Students at a Hispanic Serving Institution

Pat Garriott, Rachel L. Navarro, Lisa Y. Flores, Hang-Shim Lee, Ayli Carrero Pinedo, & Diana Slivensky

11:00 AM   11:15 AM        Break

11:15 AM   12:15 AM        Session II

                                           Concurrent Symposia


Personal Globe Inventory (PGI): A New Way of Assessing and Presenting Interests and Self-Efficacy

Terence J. G. Tracey, Chun Tao, Kimberly Bernstein Mauss, & Richard Wong

Facilitating Career Decision Making: Assessment of Antecedents, Consequences, and Outcome

Itamar Gati, Viktoria Kulcsar, & Nimrod Levin





The Impact of Family on Chinese Emerging Adults’ Educational and Vocational Transitions

Zi Chen & Weiyi Xie


Timeline perspective of the work-family interface - critical transitions and suggested intervention

Rachel Gali Cinamon

Is Silence A Virtue?: Changing the Conversation on Undocumented Students

Marie C. Adams & J. Y. Cindy Kim


Concurrent Roundtables

Examining the Relationship between Social Class and Career Development

Dylan Ryan Richard & Melanie Leuty



Promoting student success for prospective first-generation students.

Neeta Kantamnen & Tara Warner


The First-Generation College Student Experience: New Conceptual and Methodological Directions

Pat Garriott, Helen Chao, Eve Faris, Joseph Galluzzo, Courtney Hadjeasgari & Mackenzie Jessen


Vocational Identity & Risk-Immersed Youth: Integrating Career Construction and Psychology of Working

Sean Flanagan & Jonathan F. Zaff

12:15 PM    1:45 PM        Lunch

1:45 PM      2:45 PM        Session III

Preparing for the Future of Work and Career Development:  A Vocational Psychology Perspective

Bob Lent, Terence Tracey, & Itamar Gati


2:45 PM    3:00 PM         Break

3:00 PM    4:00 PM         Session IV

Concurrent Roundtables


Using Holland’s Theory, the Self-Directed Search, and Four Other Tools in Life/Career Transitions

Robert Reardon & Katie Meyer-Griffith

Using Mixture Modeling To Understand Vocational Interest Profiles: The Impact Of Personality And Sex

Erica Mathis & Emily Bullock-Yowell



The intergenerational relation of vocational interests and occupations

Florian G. Hartmann, Jutta von Maurice, & Christian Tarnai


How to Develop a Holland RIASEC Interest Inventory: Lessons Learned with the Find Your Interests (FYI) Inventory

Shannon Salyer, Rodney A. McCloy, James Rounds, & Patrick Rottinghaus


Beyond the Classroom: Preparing Graduate Teaching Assistants to Transition to Profession Work

Mary Dawes & Janelle Kappes

Impostor Phenomenon and Career Development of Graduate Student Women

Jessamyn Perlus



Cross Borders and Beyond: Career Transitions among International Graduate Students in Psychology

Yunkyoung Garrison, Soeun Park, Bo Hyun Lee, & Young Hwa Kim


A Highly Effective Career-Focused Reentry Program for Inmates in Transition: Greener Pastures

Victoria A. Shivy & Jesse A. Wingate

Career Adaptability for Vocational Tasks, Occupational Transitions, and Work Trauma

Mark Savickas, Suzanne Savickas, & Steven Antalvari


4:00 PM    4:30 PM           Day 1 Synthesis
5:30 PM    7:00 PM           Reception and
Poster Session
7:00 PM                             Dinner on your own

Wednesday, June 20

8:00 AM    9:00 AM         Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM   
10:00 AM       Session V
                                         Concurrent Symposia


Retirement Transition and Adjustment:  Personal and Theoretical Perspectives

Nancy Betz, Steve Brown, & Ruth Fassinger

Shedding light on career construction following cultural transition: A dynamic-narrative approach

Hanoch Flum & Buzukashvili T.



Retirement and Transition on Purpose

Rich Feller & Catherine McCormick


Employability does not equal Employment

Peter McIlveen, Harsha Perera, Jennifer Luke, & Allison Creed




10:00 AM    11:00 AM     Session VI


                                        Concurrent Symposia

Concurrent Roundtables


Exploring Links between Work Volition Career Adaptability and Career Distress among Turkish Students

Aysenur Buyukgoze-Kavas & Furkan Kirazci

Hope and Social-Contextual Variables as Predictors of Career Adaptability in Turkish Young Adult

Feride Bacanli



Development of the CASVE Cycle Questionnaire: Career Decision-Making Status Across the Lifespan

Brianna Werner & Emily Bullock-Yowell


Using O*NET to understand the relationships between worker characteristics.

Melanie Leuty, Ryan Stone, & Dylan Richard

11:00 AM  11:15 PM       Break

11:15 PM   12:15 PM      Session VII

                                        Concurrent Symposia

Living in Transition: Enacting support across the ecologies of DREAMER college students

Ellen Hawley McWhirter, Bryan Rojas-Araúz, Neeta Kantamneni, Germán Cadenas, & Lisa Y. Flores



Predicting perceived employability and entrepreneurial intentions among students and jobseekers

Kokou Atitsogbe & Jérôme Rossier



Concurrent Roundtables


Diversity & Inclusion in Career Centers: A History of Social Justice and Transitioning Our Approach

Carrie Collier


Career Readiness and Leadership Education: Theory, Research, and Best Practices

Gail S. Rooney & Kelli K. Smith


Peer paraprofessional programs in career services: Value, impact, and opportunities for growth

Julia Panke Makela & Jessamyn Perlus





The Career Engagement Model: An Early Warning System for Transitions

​Roberta Neault

12:15 PM    1:30 PM        Lunch

1:30 PM      2:30 PM        Session VIII


                                         Concurrent Symposia

Vocational Psychology and the Shifting Labor Market: A Debate About Transitions in Our Field

Saba R. Ali, Samantha D. Brown, & Lisa Y. Flores






Connecting cognitive information processing theory, research, & practice to career transitions

Emily Bullock-Yowell, Debra Osborn, Seth Hayden, Janet Lenz, & James Sampson, Jr.





Concurrent Roundtables



Exploring the Career Futures of Underrepresented Individuals

Logan Vess, Patrick Rottinghaus,Jason Edwards, & Keely Alexander

Transitions:  Career Issues for Transgender Youth and Adults

Sue Motulsky & Kimberly Howard


Color(sighted): Dialogues on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Racial Awareness for Students of Color

J. Y. Cindy Kim & Marie C. Adams


Microaggressions and Work Volition: Ethnic Identity as a Moderator

Laura Reid Marks & Jennifer Yeoward

2:30 PM    3:00 PM         Conference Synthesis & Closing Session

                                        Scott Solberg & Patrick Rottinghaus


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